Grad School Femtoring

with Dra. Yvette Martinez-Vu

This week, Dr. Reka C. Barton (@thescholarlysewist) discusses the topic of grief and loss during a doctoral program. Dr. Reka is a graduate of the Joint Doctoral Program with San Diego State University and Claremont Graduate University. She received her BA in Psychology and Master of Teaching in Elementary Education from the University of Virginia and served as an elementary school teacher for ten years. Dr. Reka recently began her role as Postdoctoral Faculty Fellow at the University of San Diego as she continues her work as a Black Girlhood Multimodal ResearcHER who examines educational experiences through linguistic and equity perspectives.

Dr. Reka shares her experience with grief after losing her brother, Greg, during her doctoral program. She emphasizes how there is no right or wrong way to grieve. She shares how therapy, family support, and an understanding program helped her. And she offers advice on what you can do to support yourself and your loved ones when dealing with grief.

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