Grad School Femtoring

with Dra. Yvette Martinez-Vu

In this episode, Reka Barton, speaks about women of color in fashion and academia. She shares her experience as a former elementary school teacher, now grad student, and how she has developed her Scholarly Sewist brand and online community, all while focusing on teaching, traveling, and sewing. Reka is a Third Year Doctoral Student in Education. She is a Visual ResearcHER & Creative who examines the educational experiences of Black and Brown girls and women through an equity lens. She is also the founder of The Scholarly Sewist, a modern lifestyle brand and social community that centers WOC in academia via fashion. Reka is excited to defend her proposal this summer and advance to candidacy. She is also excited about the reemergence of in-person educational conferences! Tune in to learn more. 

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