PhinisheD & Tired!

I am PhinisheD! And I am Tired!


On May 13, 2022, with friends and family all around me, I graduated with my PhD in Education from San Diego State University! I partied all weekend, and celebrated this extraordinary occasion with many of my favorite people!

And then I was EXTREMELY exhausted. For days. Then I would think that my energy was reset, and I was back to myself, then I was exhausted again. I wasn’t working out, or staying up super late, and was wondering what in the world was making me so exhausted!

I had to remind myself, Reka, you just finished the most grueling, arduous, FOUR YEAR LONG project. Your body got you to the finish line, and now it’s tired!

REST. And rest some more. 

While allowing myself to rest, I also gave myself time and permission to reflect. This process is so long and complex, you get so wrapped up into the details, you miss some of the pretty cool portions. Or you don’t give yourself enough time to celebrate those moments. So this summer for me was all about the celebration. 

Am I doing too much? NOPE. Please do not let this world, or the social media-verse make you think that you are not worth celebrating. We are worthy of celebration just for existing. Just for being us. And I am definitely worth celebrating when I join the 3.1% of Black women that make up the 1.2% of the U.S. population that holds a Ph.D. 


So what’s next? We shall see. Right now, I'm still celebrating!

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