Wrapping Up The Semester | Fall ‘21

This semester was BUSY. I took on way too much! 

I mean, yes, we are all hyper-productive, and pretty efficient, which is how many of us made it to, and through graduate education programs, but this semester wore me out. I taught FOUR courses. Yes, four! Two at my university and two at another. The only reason this was possible is because each of them utilized a different modality and frequency, and none of them were a new prep. One was co-taught, one only met once a month, and only one was in-person. But I learned my lesson.


It was too many courses. Not that the teaching alone was too much. It was teaching in addition to data collection. In addition to my research project. In addition to putting on events for my PhD program. In addition to being on the job market. LOOKING FOR A JOB IS A JOB. 

But, as I grade my last few assignments, I am grateful that I was able to curate articles and experiences for 75+ students, that I was able to support and guide teacher candidates through an interesting and uncertain semester back in classrooms. I am grateful for the inspiration and hope for continued change and growth future teachers give me. It reminds me of my fond memories of the elementary classroom and reinvigorates my WHY. 


This semester wasn’t all bad either. I was accepted to a few conferences :), finally got back into IRL educational conferences, spent my birthday weekend in Napa Valley, successfully completed my data collection, and launched the PubliSHEd collection. 

During the winter holiday, I am looking forward to REST. I am also setting aside some time for planning out Spring 2022, because although I am not teaching four courses, it is going to be a busy few months as I try to finalize my doctoral journey and prepare to defend my dissertation, and not lose myself in the madness. 


What are you looking forward to during the break?

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