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May I Thank You?

One Year!?! 1K+ Phriends !?! This.Is.Surreal. Even more so because it is happening amidst a global pandemic.   Even more so because it is occurring during my season of early grief. Even more so because this is something that my brother encouraged me to do and even created the first design samples of PhemmeD merchandise (RIP Greg). Even more so because (insert all the ways society and academia are strategically designed for this little Black girl to fail). So for this milestone…. I thank you. Un mil gracias.  Thank you for checking in, for commenting and liking, for being in conversation with me around all things scholarly, sewing related, and about traveling. You are what helped me keep myself this past...

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HERstory: WOC Redefining Research Recap

Hopefully you were able to join us for the first official Scholarly Sewist event HERstory: WOC Redefining ResearcHER. If you did not, I will try to recap the event, but it was AMAZING, so that will be hard to do.   First, I am grateful to SDSU for to SDSU for sponsoring this event and allowing me the opportunity to use my creativity to design, develop, and implement HERstory in collaboration with The Scholarly Sewist to reimagine what a scholar is.the sponsorship of this event to allow me to use my creativity to design, develop, and implement HERstory to reimagine what a scholar is. We, as SDSU students have the opportunity to apply for a grant to host events and programs...

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Stitch Please

with Black Women Stitch Reka discusses her upcoming HERstory: Women of Color Redefining Research event and related topics of interest.

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Terminal Degree...Terminal Illness?

My mantra, or personal tagline since my first semester of my doc program has been “I’m killing this PhD,” and almost simultaneously feeling like “this PhD is killing me.” You really can’t fully explain or imagine what it means to get a PhD. If you do it correctly, it changes you. It stretches you and tests you in the most trying ways. Adding to the complexity of the doctoral journey, life outside of academia continues to impact how we experience the doctoral journey. This is particularly true for women. I have known a few women that had one or two babies during their program. Others who decided to take another route, some who got married, and another who battled and beat...

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How To Fly During A Pandemic... DON’T!

Have you seen the numbers?  In your city or state? At your destination? Have you seen the unsettling uptake in cases, hospitalizations, and deaths since March? Have you read the literature surrounding the current Stay-At-Home orders, and are you aware of the current ICU capacity (or lack thereof).  This is a SERIOUS MATTER. If you DO NOT have to fly, I am not at all advising you to do so.  However, some of us, during the last (almost) year of quarantines and rising numbers, had to travel.  This was my situation and I have been on four cross-country flights, and I did it minimizing risks, and keeping those around me safe.  I want to share my process with you in...

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